Challenge: Grill Something Planetarian This Summer

If you’re like me this summer, you’re going to a BBQ practically every week. What’s on the grill? The usual suspects—burgers, dogs, steaks, sausages.

Occasionally we indulge in the meaty fare, but we have also grown completely satisfied with—and practically prefer—the plant-rich alternatives. Why not make this your moment to check out all of the plant-based grilling options? Here’s a few things we have been making.

Beyond Burgers: Plant-based meat products are polarizing—you love them or you’re adamant that you don’t. We’re in the “love” camp and make Beyond burgers and sausages every couple of weeks. We load them up with a revolving cast of interesting toppings like caramelized onions and sautéed mushrooms. (We’ve also been known to add a slice of cheddar or spread on a little goat cheese.)

Grilled Portobello Mushrooms: We also enjoy the incredibly versatile “meaty” Grilled (or broiled) Portobello Mushrooms. We use them for burgers, in grilled veggie stacks, or as “steaks” with grilled potatoes and other summer vegetables.

Bean Burgers: There are some great bean burgers out there, including ones you buy at the store. You can also make them yourself. On our site we offer a simple flavorful formula for bean burgers. Use just about any bean and take them one of many flavor directions. So far we’ve posted three variations— Barbecue Bean BurgersPizza Bean Burgers, and Gyro Bean Burgers—but you can create your own favorite version.

Sides & Salads: If meat isn’t the main event, salads and sides take on greater importance. Potato salad, green salad, coleslaw, corn, garlic bread, sliced tomatoes. Nothing makes a spread more dazzling than lots of color, flavors, and textures that come and delicious side dishes. Check out our Blitzed Salad and Potato Salad! 

Rainbow Veggie Kebabs: We all love that rainbow of color on a vegetable kebab. Enjoy them as a side dish or pair these grilled veggies with substantial summer salads. Vegetable skewers are also a great way to use up produce that needs a purpose.

Why not bring an exciting Planetarian dish to your next summer BBQ?  Or try host a Planetarian BBQ. It might feel countercultural, but not after your guests taste how delicious and satisfying it is to get out of the meat rut and eat Planetarian!

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