What is a Capsule Kitchen?
Whether you love cooking or hate it, there’s no denying that feeding ourselves and our loved ones is a relentless task. Take away meat and dairy and the job is only that much harder, at least at first. We know what it’s like to stare into the fridge begging lunch to appear. We know those dreaded words, “What’s for dinner?” We know what it’s like to spend time and money on food that disappoints.
We have a better way.
Our solution is the Life-Changing, Earth-Saving Capsule Kitchen.
You’ve heard of the capsule wardrobe—editing your closet down to your favorite seasonal clothes, remixing them regularly, and buying fewer high-quality pieces. With less clutter in your closet, getting dressed is easier. Well, the same goes for your kitchen: you don’t need an endless procession of recipes, cookbooks, ingredients, and gadgets for everyday cooking. You need a Capsule Kitchen: a collection of mix-and-match essentials, techniques, bases, and formulas to use weekly and change seasonally, freeing you from strict recipe adherence and making plant-rich cooking second nature.

It’s not magic, but it will change your life.

It will also help save time, money, and the planet.
Just like your capsule wardrobe needs a party dress and a pair of sweatpants, we also offer recipes for celebrations and classic favorites made Planetarian, so you’ve got reliable, plant-rich recipes for special moments and good old-fashioned comfort food.