The Lomi “Composter”

Occasionally we are asked about potential products, techniques, or habits for One Simple Swap, such as the Lomi Countertop “Composter.” 

The claim: 

Kitchen scraps including meat, dairy, bioplastics – home composting no-nos – break down in a few hours on your countertop without smells, usable the same day. Miraculous! 

Not really. We think this is a case of greenwashing

Theoretical benefits: 


  • How much electricity does it use? 
  • Is it noisy? 
  • Will it heat up the kitchen area?
  • What happens when the results are rehydrated? Is it slimy? Stinky? Absorbent?
  • Does it blow away in the wind if not buried?
  • Does it actually decompose once buried in your garden?


Other thoughts: 

  • This is a dehydrator-heater-fan-grinder, not a composter.

Much better options: 


Laura & Gil

Our friends Laura & Gil Richardson are, in their own words, “imperfect” but they are much further down this Planetarian path than anyone I know. They are a treasure trove of sustainable living inspiration and we’ve asked them to share one simple swap per week that they’ve made (and the products they love) in hopes it might inspire you to make them, too.

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