Join Our PF2 Challenge!

 If you just want to sign-up, click here

The challenge is simple: Eat PF2 – Eat 2 Plant-Based Meals A Day For 2 Weeks. That’s it. No further commitment. But our hope is that you will be inspired to continue your Planetarian journey!

Need more info? Read on!

What is Planetarian Life?

A Planetarian is a person who reduces their meat and dairy consumption for the good of the planet. But the Planetarian way of life is not a strict diet. Our approach is gradual shifts in meat and dairy consumption, not drastic change. Everyone’s experience is different, but our hope is that over time this becomes a delicious, sustainable way of life for you.

To be clear: Planetarians can enjoy meat and dairy without judgement. And keep in mind that as you cook your way through the challenge, use what you have around and what you like. If you don’t have vegetable broth for Hearty Ramen Soup, use the chicken broth you’ve got. If you’d enjoy Quick Bean Chili more with a dollop of Greek yogurt or sour cream on top, add it.

What Is The PF2 Challenge?

The challenge is simple: Eat PF2 – Eat 2 Plant-Based Meals A Day For 2 Weeks. That’s it. No further commitment. But our hope is that you will be inspired to continue your Planetarian journey!

Whatever your motivation for eating less meat and dairy—your health, the environment, or animal welfare—we’re excited you’re checking out Planetarian Life! The big challenge in shifting from a meat- & dairy-centric diet is learning to cook and eat in a whole new way, which can be both exciting and daunting. When I first started living the Planetarian Life more than ten years ago, the idea of shifting towards a more plant-based diet was overwhelming. There was so much to learn, new ingredients to find, and techniques to figure out. But the more I engaged people on the same path, the more confident I felt. Joining a likeminded community is important!

What’s the purpose?

We want you to see how fun, easy, and delicious it is to cook and eat plant-rich. Along with New York Times best-selling cookbook author and food writer, Pam Anderson (Mom to me!), we have developed the Life-Changing, Earth-Saving Capsule Kitchen a new way to shop, cook, and eat. Using her “freedom from recipes” approach to cooking, you’ll learn a new, more intuitive way to cook that will help you get plant-rich meals on the table with ease. Check out our Guide to Getting Started with the Capsule Kitchen.

How Do I Sign Up?

Click here! It’s a simple form with just two questions – your name and e-mail address.

When Do I Start?

The challenge runs from Friday, October 1 – Thursday, October 14. On Tuesday, September 28th you’ll receive a welcome e-mail with a comprehensive PF2 Challenge Guide to help you get started. For the next two weeks you’ll receive a short daily email with a quote, fact, or statistic to motivate and a recipe to inspire.

Spread the Word!

Since it’s more fun to take on a challenge with friends and family, invite someone to join you! You’ll have fun comparing what you made, exchanging ideas, and sharing revelations. If you’re active on social media, share your experience! Follow @planetarianlife on Instagram and/or the Planetarian Life Facebook page. And when posting about the challenge, use the hashtag #PF2Challenge #planetarianlife.


If you have any questions about the challenge or concerns about starting, please reach out! Email me at

Over the last decade, I’ve learned two important lessons: no matter where you start, do something, and change is easier together. So join us!

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  • Hello there! I came across to this page on Facebook and I have to say that I love it. Although I'm a meat eater (which I'm not ashamed of) I understand the importance of reducing meat and dairy consumption for the sake of our planet. Planetarian diet for me sounds like a more gentle and not judgmental approach to a mainly plant based life style. I'm completely sold! Thanks for that.
    • Hey Yannia! Great to hear from you! I'm so glad that the Planetarian Life philosophy makes sense to you - yes, non-judgmental, yes welcoming to everyone - no matter where you are on the journey. We're so happy you're here! I also see you signed up for the challenge. Looking forward to starting :)

Become a Planetarian

Planetarian Life is a community working together to create a brighter, more hopeful future for the Earth. We need you - more people equals more impact! Start by signing up for our newsletter, you’ll receive a not-yet-posted Capsule recipe and seasonal suggestions to inspire your cooking. We also share tips, techniques, skills, and green inspiration.