One Simple Swap – Monitor to Manage

Your electricity bill probably jumped this winter. While we try to turn off egregious wasters of energy, some of us don’t realize where the electricity hogs are. How about some easy data collection and analysis? 

Kill-a-Watt meters are easy to use:

Sense Meters 

These monitors help find: 

  • Phantom loads – devices that are “on” all the time, even if rarely used.  
  • Appliances you’ve long forgotten were plugged in – hot tubs, “beer fridges” in the garage, routers, cable boxes, game consoles, electric blankets, etc. 

Plug rarely-used appliances into smart power strips.  


Laura & Gil

Our friends Laura & Gil Richardson are, in their own words, “imperfect” but they are much further down this Planetarian path than anyone I know. They are a treasure trove of sustainable living inspiration and we’ve asked them to share one simple swap per week that they’ve made (and the products they love) in hopes it might inspire you to make them, too.

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